If all four competitors were extremely close in the first round, the second round was dominated by AkiraStrait who positioned in the last place of the previous round.
On Sunday the start of the competition was held an hour later to accommodate for the schedule of the contestant heliozoan. All builders showed on time expect for heliozoan. The referee decided to wait another ten minutes while The Guardian News committee tried to get in touch with the missing builder. However despite multiple attempts to contact him, heliozoan was nowhere to be found. The round was therefore started with only three competitors. Referees picked Technology as the theme of the round which was vaguer than the theme selected in the first round.
The beginning of the round was marked by exchanging initial words of “encouragement” between two builders. “Filthy Spaniard” and “Ugly macaroni cheese woman” were just some of the words in the heated debate between the two builders who will remain anonymous. The referees classified that the duologue as light banter and allowed it proceed, although reminded the competitors they are losing precious time. While builders Pudie and AkiraStrait quickly started to build their creations, builder GeneralGoose spend his first 10 minutes observing the competition.
The rest of the round went over in relative peace with each builder busy making their creations. However right at the end GeneralGoose was involved in an unfortunate incident. Around 10 minutes before the end of 90 minutes building period GeneralGoose lost consciousness and was absent from the competition while the medics tried to help him. When he finally returned the referees decided to give him extra 5 minutes due to his absence.
On Tuesday when both the public scores and those from the judges were taken into account, it was shown that AkiraStrait completely dominated with his excellent Nixie Tube Clock. All three judges and the public gave him the highest score. Other two contestants were far behind. Scores from the three expert judges were again very similar. What is more the judge's score and the public score didn't diverge by much. Even though heliozoan didn’t participate the referees gave him one Stage point for placing in fourth place.
Scoring by judges
Scoring by judges
Scoring by judges
Scoring by judges