Massive protest against new immigration laws threatens the stability of OGAT government
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Earlier this week, the parliament loosened OGAT’s immigration policy, allowing hundreds of Steam Union citizens to live in OGAT. “In the past months, we experienced massive emigration, and we had to find a quick solution. First, we removed the archaic restrictions placed on guard jobs. Everyone with proper education levels can now be employed as medics, guardians, and even carriers,” stated the president of OGAT, Mr. Cominu.

This in turn created more jobs for thieves who decided they needed to equip themselves with more Az-47s and grenades. However, not everyone is in favor of the new policy. The N.U.B. party staged massive protests in front of the governmental palace. They fear that new immigrants are less educated and less civilized than “veteran OGAT citizens,” as they named them.

One of the rare parties tolerant of the immigrants is the Free Democratic Union. FDU President, Mr. Idulus, issued a statement earlier today, asking the people of OGAT to help newer citizens adjust to their new home. Although other parties pointed out that FDU is desperately trying to raise their popularity and gain new members.

Nonetheless, it appears not even the new citizens are pleased with the situation. Steam Union received several complaints. Some were about the OGAT government, but most were concerning the healthcare system, as the number of fatalities among the new citizens is soaring.

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