Christmas has finally almost arrived in the little community of OGAT county, and everyone is hyped for receiving gold accounts from their best friends. Others are one step ahead and are building wonderful houses and factories in Workshop Ville's fallow fields. Hundreds have been going around and installing these maps for their own use. However, one beautiful map with a glowing turd quickly turned from Christmas cheer into a mass murder scene.
In the main hallway of the Santa family's beautiful house, a dozen dead Santas were found. The weird thing is, there was only one actual Santa. Now, how does that work?
Two weeks before Christmas, Santa moved into this new house with his reindeer. He was preparing his sled when a green pickup truck drove through the compound and crashed into his storeroom. Knowing this was an intentional attack, he pulled out the brand new flamethrower he was going to give the new pyro in town and burned all intruders as they came down his main hallway. Ironically, they were all dressed as Santa. All died almost instantly. Two made it 15 feet before succumbing to the flames.
Turns out they were part of a group called "Thieves". They wanted to murder Santa because he didn't give them presents last year. To avoid suspicion, they dressed as Santas. They clearly weren’t very smart because they entered the house while Santa was outside. Also, even if they had succeeded, someone would have noticed the Santa population spike.
No charges will be held against Santa.
Merry Christmas, everyone!