On May 29th on Morton Street, a bomb went off on the balcony of a Moexpress building. Apparently, a worker there was closing up that night and heard a bunch of footsteps up the stairs. He went and hid in the closet, and then he saw lots of guns. He then called 911, and they came 5 minutes later.
There were seventeen police deaths that night from a suicide bomber on the balcony. Ten of the criminals were sent to jail, and fourteen of them died. We still have no idea what their purpose was. Jeremy got an exclusive interview with the worker here.
No civilians were injured from the falling rubble, but the worker did have a broken arm. The criminals will be in jail for the next six years, and a funeral will take place on June 10th for the dead officers.
And that is all for today’s article. Tune in next week for an exclusive interview with Chuck Norris.